1. To establish live relation with surrounding villages and establishing permanent network amongst post basic schools and gram vidyapits (Rural colleges) to make them actively engaged with various programs related to science education.
  2. To organize regularly discourses on science, exhibitions, slide show, film show, seminars, sky-watching, demonstrations, program from freedom dogmas and superstitions, group discussions, workshops, science fare etc. at the surrounding schools and local level.
  3. To propagate, develop, spread and sell simple and low price toys in order to facilitate teaching of science and encourage scientific learning amongst students.
  4. To carry to people simple low-priced, useful science literature at a reasonable rate.
  5. To make and publish useful literature of science.
  6. Working with various Lokbharati departments to develop curriculum and teaching aids in order to create a scientific approach to their teaching.
  7. To plan various programs useful for groups on various subjects.
  8. Organize programs related to protection of environment and protection of pollution. Awareness campaigns for them to be conducted.
  9. To provide teaching in effective manner at appropriate places and time of things like agriculture, animal husbandry, water conservation, water and soil protection, research, bacterial control organic farming different method of water supply etc.
  10. To plan the training for study oriented, student oriented and life oriented science teaching for the primary/secondary school teachers with the assistance of District Training Centers.
  11. To distribute with appropriate explanations, the energy saving devices like smokeless Chula, bio-gas plant, solar latrines, solar cooker, wind mill, gasyfire solar hot water system etc. under the Transfer of Technology Program".
  12. Sky observation to be conducted.
  13. To establish and develop science parks and energy park.
  14. To extend assistance in establishing and running community science centre in Saurastra.
  15. Various devices using non-conventional sources of energy.
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